In case you have an unlimited budget for your holiday, you should know that there are many places that you can visit and enjoy. If you travel to some of these destinations located in different parts of the world, you can rest assured that you will get access to some stunning beaches, amazing views, parties, unique culture and unforgettable experiences. We have decided to highlight few of these luxurious travel destinations in this article.
Golden Eye Resort, Jamaica
Jamaica is known as a destination that you can visit even if you don’t have a big budget. However, there are some resorts where you can stay only if you are prepared to spend a lot of money. One of them is Golden Eye Resort and according to many people who have visited this place, this resort is worth every penny.
The resort is located in the most beautiful part of Jamaica – the Oracabessa Bay. The visitors can choose between specially designed cottages and apartments. Many celebrities including Bono U2, Scarlet Johansson, Sting and Johnny Deep have stayed here.
Sveti Stefan, Montenegro
This islet and resort town is definitely extraordinary. The resort was visited by rich and famous since the 1970s. It has a rich history and access to beautiful beaches and clear waters.
Wakaya, Fiji
Now here’s a destination that is completely privately owned. The Wakaya Island has everything you need for a memorable vacation. The most important building in the island is the Wakaya Club, ideal for families and couples. This club has only ten bungalows and a few private villas. Don’t be surprised if you see Bill Gates, Richard Gere or Russell Crowe on this island because they are regular guests.
Telluride, Colorado, USA
Who says that a holiday must be spent close to a sea? If you choose Telluride as a vacation spot, you will still have the same fun that you expect from a holiday and enjoy all the luxuries that modern resort towns offer. The resort is built on a former silver mine site in Colorado. This is actually an excellent ski resort so it is the best idea to visit it during the winter period.